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Befriending Service

19 January 2022

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We have been contacted by BSEVC Community at Heart who are trying to establish which villages have or need befriending services, whether face-to-face or on the telephone.

Parham has 81 people aged 65+, many of whom will have found the last 18 months extremely challenging. The village has many informal good neighbour/ befriending arrangements but we wonder if a more formal service would be beneficial too. 


BSEVC help with three core areas of service delivery:

community transport,

Suffolk Carers matter, 

Later Life Community for those aged 65+ 

They can be contacted 7 days a week on 01449 7614271 between 10 am and 2pm. 


Please also contact the Parish Council if you think a befriending service in the village would be useful, or it is something you are interested in organising.