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Neighbourhood Watch/Police Connect

16 July 2017

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Parham does not currently have an active Neighbourhood Watch scheme, but residents can find out about local policing matters by signing up to the free Police Connect service. 



Please scroll to the base of the page and click the 'Register for Police Connect' link. 


More information on Police Direct:


Police Connect is a messaging service connecting you to the very latest policing news for your area via e-mail, text or phone.

There is no charge for this service - all messages you receive are free.

You can register to receive information about the issues that most matter to you and be among the first to be alerted by police in the case of an emergency affecting your area.

You can choose to receive regular updates on crime and public appeals, safety advice and meetings and events. There is the option to receive information about a range of specific interest areas – such as ‘rural’ or ‘rivers and coastal’ – as well as updates for business owners and news from your Police and Crime Commissioner.

News, appeals and information can also be accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week here.

You can also follow us on Facebook or Twitter for regular news and information.

Benefits of Police Connect

There are lots of advantages to knowing what is going on in your local area or areas you are interested in - such as where you work or where a vulnerable relative lives.

You can take steps to safeguard yourself and your property, you may need to change plans, or re-route, because of an incident nearby or you may even be able to help us solve a crime.

If you are a member of a ‘watch’ scheme, Police Connect information keeps you up-to-date with the latest issues. It’s also a great way of finding out about local policing events and meetings.

By receiving messages through Police Connect, you are kept in the loop.

Keeping you informed, keeping your community safe

Information from the public is a major help in the fight against crime. We need your help to make your community a safer place.

By taking a few moments to fill out a simple form, you become more informed about what's happening in your community and can become more involved in helping to prevent and reduce crime.