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Village Fete Success

17 September 2018

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Parham Village Fete 1st September 2018

Well, unlike last year, there was no rain; no roads were closed by Essex & Suffolk water; the sun was out, and it was a lovely day for the fete. We were pleased and surprised to see queues at the gate ready for the 2pm opening and the feedback from visitors was great. We raised a total of £1,528 for the Village Hall funds.  I would like to say a big thank you to all our Committee members and other volunteers who helped make this year’s Fete the success that it was. Without you, there would be no Fete.

If you are reading this and you came to the Fete and enjoyed yourself, have you thought about volunteering for The Parham Hut Charity, otherwise known as the Village Hall Committee? We meet approximately five times a year and our role is to ensure that we have a structurally sound, well maintained building with good functionality and that the Hall and the facilities are used for constructive and social activities for the benefit of the local community.

Of course, we have quite a lot of laughs along the way!

If you would like to chat about the Committee or the Hall please let me know on 01728 724 117.

Paul Goring

Chairman Parham Village Hall Committee

The Parham Hut Charity No. 304807