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Local News

Please see the following pages for useful information and local news.

Refillable Goods across East Suffolk

27 February 2020

Refilling your weekly shop without unnecessary plastic is getting easier in Suffolk

Posted by on 25 February 2020 | Comments

Read more on Refillable Goods across East Suffolk

Parish Council Meeting

24 February 2020

Our next meeting is fast approaching. Please let the clerk have items for the agenda by 29th February 2020. 

Read more on Parish Council Meeting

Recommendation to increase District Council Member Allowances

24 February 2020

Next Wednesday, Full Council will consider a report, prepared by an independent panel, which recommends an increase to the allowances that East Suffolk councillors receive.

Read more on Recommendation to increase District Council Member Allowances

VE & VJ Day Commemoration Events- Highways Announcement

23 February 2020

Suffolk Highways waives fees for VE and VJ Day Commemoration events

Read more on VE & VJ Day Commemoration Events- Highways Announcement

Reporting faults with footpaths, potholes & pavements

20 February 2020

 If you have concerns about a particular section of road, Suffolk County Council is your one stop shop for reporting all Highways and Public Rights of Way related problems and issues. Their website is easy to use and is the most direct way to report all non-emergency faults and matters of concern, covering a whole host of categories with anything from verge cutting and trees, to damaged roads and missing signs etc
Have something to report? Click on the SCC Logo below.
However, any problems deemed as causing an immediate danger to public safety should be reported on the following emergency telephone number: 0345 606 6171.

Read more on Reporting faults with footpaths, potholes & pavements

Coronavirus- Public Health

18 February 2020


Read more on Coronavirus- Public Health

Are you missing a ginger cat?

9 February 2020

If you are missing a ginger cat, please contact Jenny at Garnetts Gardens.

Read more on Are you missing a ginger cat?

Village Profile

28 January 2020

Please click here to view East Suffolk Council's village profile, with interesting information and statistics about our village. 

Read more on Village Profile

Changes to the Parish Council

16 January 2020

After many years on the Parish Council, Andy Nicholson has now resigned. We would like to thank him for all his hard work and efficient leadership of our meetings. 

Read more on Changes to the Parish Council

Parham Picture Palace *Special Event*

9 January 2020

A happy New Year to all our film fans - and potential ones, we hope!
On this coming Saturday Sarah Davies will be presenting the 2018 documentary 'Maiden'.  This is the story of the first all female crewed yacht to take part in the Whitbread Round the World Yacht Race in 1989.  Sarah, who lives in Parham, was one of the crew on that historic voyage and will be presenting the film and talking afterwards about the experience.  This is a rare opportunity to hear about a moment in sailing history from someone who was involved so do come along if you can.
As usual, the bar will be open at 7 pm and film will start at approximately 7.30.  There will be ice creams and nibbles as always. Suggested donation £5.
See you (and all your sailing friends!) on Saturday.

Read more on Parham Picture Palace *Special Event*