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Local News

Please see the following pages for useful information and local news.

Your Parish Magazine Needs You!

29 August 2023

Would you be interested in becoming the new editor of the benefice magazine? A temporary editor is in place until December but the team are actively looking for Jan's replacement now. 

Read more on Your Parish Magazine Needs You!

Jumble Sale Success

24 August 2023

Thank you so much to everyone who donated to the Village Hall Committee's recent Jumble Sale. Your donations helped to raise over £650 for the Village Hall! 

Read more on Jumble Sale Success

New Reverend

30 July 2023

Ann Kember has now been appointed as the new Reverend for the Orebeck Benefice.

Read more on New Reverend

Shake It Out Recycling Campaign

16 June 2023


What’s Shake It Out all about?

Suffolk Waste Partnership's new #ShakeItOut campaign aims to reduce spoiled recycling across the county by encouraging residents to keep their recycling clean, dry and loose when adding it to their wheelie bins, without the use of black sacks and plastic bags.

Read more on Shake It Out Recycling Campaign

What's your Digital Footprint?

14 June 2023

comment on a post, upload a photo or find directions on your phone, you’re adding to your digital footprint. When you stream music, make a video call or use a smart speaker, that adds to your digital footprint too.

Read more on What's your Digital Footprint?

What goes online, stays online. Have you thought about your digital footprint?

2 June 2023

Every time you use visit a website, send or receive a message or email, buy or book anything online, comment on a post, upload a photo or find directions on your phone, you’re adding to your digital footprint. When you stream music, make a video call or use a smart speaker, that adds to your digital footprint too.

Read more on What goes online, stays online. Have you thought about your digital footprint?

Bar Night

25 May 2023

A reminder that the next Village Hall Bar Night will be on Friday 2nd June from 7pm.

Read more on Bar Night

Toast the New King

2 May 2023

The Village Hall and Bar will be open on Friday 5th May for you to come and celebrate the Coronation of King Charles.

Read more on Toast the New King

Katch Bus Service in Parham

20 April 2023

East Suffolk Council, in collaboration with East Suffolk Community Partnerships, are pleased to re-introduce the Katch bus service for a further year’s pilot scheme following local response to the service closure in December 2022. We hope that the service proves popular and therefore sustainable for future years.

Read more on Katch Bus Service in Parham