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St Mary the Virgin Church, Parham, Suffolk

St Mary's Church Parham

St Mary the Virgin Church is in the 'Orebeck'  benefice of Marlesford, Hacheston, Parham, Campsea Ashe, Brandeston, Easton & Kettleburgh

Priest in Charge:  Rev. Ann Kember annkember58@gmail.com

Church Wardens: John Adams & John Bradfield - Tel: 724481
Treasurer: John Bradfield - Tel: 724481
Choir Master: Jos Slade - Tel: 723707

Mothers' Union Leader: Linda Cadman - Tel: 747981

Parham Parochial Church Council Meetings

Held bi-monthly

Services in Parham Church

There are usually two services per Month.

Please check the parish magazine for which type of service will be taking place:-
Sung Holy Communion 9:30am
Evensong 6:30pm
Holy Communion 8am

Flower Rota

Weekly rota can be found in St Mary the Virgin Church, Parham.