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Local News

Please see the following pages for useful information and local news.

*Church Fete*

20 June 2018

A reminder that this year the Church Fete will be held at Parham Airfield Museum, IP13 9AF at 1.30pm on Saturday 30th June.  

Read more on *Church Fete*

News from the Composting Plant at Parham

6 June 2018

The composting plant near Silverlace Green has recently been taken over by Biogen. 

Read more on News from the Composting Plant at Parham

'Tippers R Us' Lorries

6 June 2018

We have been receiving complaints about lorries travelling at speed up Hall Hill and causing damage to the verges.

Read more on 'Tippers R Us' Lorries

MORE Compost!

31 May 2018

Biogen (formerly TAMAR Energy) have once again kindly donated compost for Parham residents.

Read more on MORE Compost!

Vacancy for a Councillor

23 May 2018

Emma Cochrane recently resigned as a Councillor. Parham Parish Council would like to thank her for all her enthusiasm and work during her period in office.

Read more on Vacancy for a Councillor

Reporting faults with pavements, roads, footpaths etc.

23 May 2018

You can report all Highways & Public Rights of Way related problems direct to Suffolk County Council via their website- www.suffolk.gov.uk.
Click on the "Report" icon, and choose the relevant category.
Then follow the instructions online to report the problem.
You should receive an email confirming receipt of your report.
Any problems deemed as causing an immediate danger to public safety should be reported to 0345 606 6171

Read more on Reporting faults with pavements, roads, footpaths etc.

Refurbished Telephone Box

16 May 2018

Our thanks to Michael Gray for re-painting the telephone kiosk and replacing some of the glass panes. 

Read more on Refurbished Telephone Box

Help for Children in the Village- The Corrance Trust

15 May 2018

Have you heard of The Corrance Trust? It was formed with some of the proceeds from the sale of Parham's school.

Read more on Help for Children in the Village- The Corrance Trust


15 May 2018

Many thanks to Michael & Alan Gray who recently carried out a litter pick in the village.

Read more on Litterpick

End of Year Accounts

9 May 2018

Following Parham Parish Council's AGM, we are pleased to announce that the end of year accounts and paperwork has been completed.

Read more on End of Year Accounts