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Local News

Please see the following pages for useful information and local news.

Biscuit Wrappers for Clean Water

16 February 2018

Framlingham Library is now a MacVitie's/Terracycle collection point.

Read more on Biscuit Wrappers for Clean Water

Consultation on Air Quality in our Area

1 February 2018

We would like to offer you the chance to view and comment on Suffolk Coastal’s Annual Status Report (ASR) for the District 2017, recently approved by the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).

Read more on Consultation on Air Quality in our Area

Brown Bins- Important Changes

1 February 2018

Please see the information below from SCDC re changes to brown bin recycling taking effect from May 2018. 

Read more on Brown Bins- Important Changes

Latest Greenprint Forum E-News

31 January 2018

Please find below the latest Greenprint E-News, including lots of local eco-initiatives, events and advice. 

Read more on Latest Greenprint Forum E-News

Avian Flu

31 January 2018

Please read the following information from DEFRA;

From 18 January 2018, an Avian Influenza Prevention Zone applies to everyone who keeps poultry or captive birds in England. If you keep poultry or birds, you must follow our detailed requirements on strict biosecurity, whether you have commercial flocks or just a few birds in a backyard flock.

Read more on Avian Flu

East Suffolk District Council- Your Opinion is Needed

23 January 2018

Suffolk Coastal and Waveney District Councils have been working in partnership since 2008, enabling the Councils to save over £18m in that time. In January 2017 the Councils agreed to create a new single ‘super district’ Council serving the residents and communities of east Suffolk, from Lowestoft in the north to Felixstowe in the south.

Read more on East Suffolk District Council- Your Opinion is Needed

New Priest for Orebeck Benefice

4 January 2018

We have just heard that Rev Canon Graham Hedger has accepted his offer to become the priest in charge of the Orebeck benefice.

Read more on New Priest for Orebeck Benefice

St Elizabeth Hospice- The Great Garden Trail

12 December 2017

St Elizabeth Hospice have contacted the Parish Council regarding their Great Garden Trail 2018.

Read more on St Elizabeth Hospice- The Great Garden Trail

New Village Sign- Unveiling Date

12 December 2017

The new village sign and thick wooden post have now been made and the Parish Council look forward to erecting the sign and holding an unveiling ceremony, at which you are all warmly invited,  on 7th May 2018, with refreshments in the Village Hall afterwards.

Read more on New Village Sign- Unveiling Date

Telephone Box- We Need your Ideas

12 December 2017

The Parish Council have now began the process of formally adopting the telephone box outside Dial House.

Read more on Telephone Box- We Need your Ideas