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Local News

Please see the following pages for useful information and local news.

New Exercise Classes in Parham

8 December 2017

Several new exercise classes are now being held at Parham Village Hall throughout the day on Thursday.

Read more on New Exercise Classes in Parham

Emergency Road Closure

13 November 2017

The road between Mill Green and North Green in Parham has been closed because of a burst water main outside Overbetts. 

Read more on Emergency Road Closure

B1116 Planned Road Closure

10 November 2017


Read more on B1116 Planned Road Closure 22nd/23rd Nov

Suspicious Van

1 November 2017

Police are asking residents to be alert for a suspicious white Citroen Berlingo van following a series of rural burglaries & thefts in Suffolk, including around the Parham area.

Read more on Suspicious Van

Community Small Grants Scheme

16 October 2017

Saxmundham and District Rotary Club is pleased to announce that from 2017, it is offering a Community Small Grants Scheme for deserving causes it its catchment area (10 mile radius of Saxmundham).

Read more on Community Small Grants Scheme

Almshouse Vacancy at Framlingham

16 October 2017

The Mills Charity have asked us to pass the following information on:-

Read more on Almshouse Vacancy at Framlingham

New Councillor Fills Final Vacancy

25 September 2017

Rhodri Griffiths from Willoughby Close was co-opted as a Councillor at our last meeting.

Read more on New Councillor Fills Final Vacancy

Hacheston Power Plant Application- Have your Say

20 September 2017

The Parish Council have been invited to respond to a new planning application for a fast response embedded power plant on land to the west of the electricity sub-station at Hacheston. This land borders Parham and some properties in the village.  

Read more on Hacheston Power Plant Application- Have your Say

Parham's Interregnum

11 September 2017

Following Deirdre's retirement from the Orebeck Benefice, anyone wishing to arrange a wedding, baptism or funeral in the village is asked to contact their Churchwarden initially. 

Read more on Parham's Interregnum

New Local Plan- Information Sessions

5 September 2017

Key Message from Councillor Tony Fryatt,

Read more on New Local Plan- Information Sessions