A picturesque village in East Suffolk
Parham Parish Council meets 6 times a year, on the second Tuesday of every other month, commencing in January.
All meetings take place in the Village Hall with at least 3 clear working days notice given.
The AGM is held in May when officers are re-elected and the annual accounts are presented.
Meetings take place in the Jubilee Annex of Parham Village Hall at 7.15pm on Tuesdays
All residents are very welcome to attend.
There is a public forum near the beginning of the meeting where residents are able to address the Council on any agenda item.
Agendas will be posted at least 3 working days before the meeting on the village noticeboards and also on this website.
The Parish Council has a duty (as from 1 April 2015) to publish draft minutes of meetings within one month of the meeting.
However, it must be reiterated that the minutes are only a draft document and do not become an official record of the Parish Council meeting until they are approved at the next Parish Council meeting.