A picturesque village in East Suffolk
Local planning applications are received from East Suffolk Council. Three clear days notice is given of the Planning Committee meeting in Parham Village Hall to discuss such applications (via village noticeboards and website). Planning Applications are examined in detail and the Parish Council's comments, including a recommendation to support or object, are referred back to the District Council (Planning Authority). Public meetings are called to allow parishioners to express their opinions on planning applications. The Full Parish Council meet to discuss planning applications.
The Planning Authority :
East Suffolk House, Station Rd, Melton, Woodbridge IP12 1RT
01394 444404
E-mail address:- planning@eastsuffolk.gov.uk
Website:- https://www.eastsuffolk.gov.uk
Only Councillors without a prejudicial interest in the application can discuss and vote at a Planning Meeting unless Councillors have been granted a dispensation from the Standards Board.
Parish Council responses can be found in meeting minutes.