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Greenprint newsletter winter 2020-21

25 January 2021

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Greenprint newsletter winter 2020-21


The winter newsletter has arrived:  https://www.eastsuffolk.gov.uk/assets/Environment/Green-Issues/Newsletters/2020/096-Greenprint-newsletter-winter-2020-21.pdf

As ever thank you to all who contributed content – if like the communities and individuals featured you are taking positive action that contributes to our vision and would like to submit content for a future newsletter to help share knowledge and inspiration please let me know. The next newsletter will be due out in late April – if you have a relevant event taking place before then that you would like me to promote let me know and I will where possible share via @GreenprintForum Twitter and  / or GreenprintForum | Facebook


Bye Bye Plastic


27 January (this Wednesday!) 12:00-13:00

This is a free talk online from the Natural History Museum  featuring a Museum scientist researching the impact of plastic pollution on seabirds, an activist and changemaker who successfully campaigned for a single-use plastic ban on her home island of Bali, and a photographer raising awareness and action through a unique portrayal of plastic debris: Bye Bye Plastic | Natural History Museum (nhm.ac.uk) It is part of the programme Our Broken Planet: How We Got Here and Ways to Fix It where panellists discuss the key challenges we face in building a greener future.


Current consultations and surveys


In case you don’t get a chance to read and digest the newsletter in time I wanted to point out that there are a number of consultations and surveys on issues with environmental links some of which close very soon: